To assist you in creating print-ready artwork for your custom silkscreen imprint, we offer imprint area templates in PDF format.
Choose a MaC Pitcher size below to download a template.
Questions about acceptable file formats? Read this handy format guide. Looking for MaC Tube specs? Please contact us for assistance.
TIP: As long as your artwork is inside the gray imprint guide on our templates, feel free to add other design elements in addition to your logo. Maybe your company tagline or website address! Just be sure to convert any text you add into outline paths in case we don't have your fonts. Otherwise, your fonts may not print correctly. Consult your software manual if you aren't sure how to convert fonts to paths.
A downloadable PDF with complete specs will open.
You want your logo to look good on our products. So do we!
For this reason, we only accept files in the following formats:
EPS, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, or TIFF.
Here are guidelines for sending files that will help ensure great results:
EPS is Ag Ad's preferred file format. If possible, please upload your logo in this format.
EPS stands for "Encapsulated Post Script" — an industry standard graphic format.
Adobe Illustrator® is a vector graphics editor developed and marketed by Adobe Systems.
Ag Ad can open and work with files you upload in current versions of this format.
CorelDraw® is a vector graphics editor developed and marketed by Corel Corporation.
Ag Ad can open and work with files you upload in current versions of this format.
TIFF stands for "Tagged Image File Format." It's used for raster-based graphic images.
Ag Ad can work with this format. NOTE: If you upload a TIFF, it must be 300 DPI or more.
"JPEG" is a file format used extensively on the web. It works well for that purpose, but is generally unsuitable for high-quality printing. That's why we don't accept JPEG's for custom imprints.
To streamline the production of your custom imprint and ensure great results, please send files in EPS, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, or TIFF formats.
As always, please contact us with any questions. We'll be happy to help.
Ag Ad Measures, Inc.
21 Murray Ave
Annapolis MD 21401
Toll Free: 888-300-AGAD (2423)
Phone: 916-498-1100